Régler votre taxe foncière facilement

Découvrez les étapes pour payer votre taxe foncière en toute simplicité et sécurité.

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Services de Taxe

Découvrez les meilleures options pour régler votre taxe foncière facilement et rapidement.

Paiement Mensuel

Choisissez le paiement mensuel pour étaler vos charges fiscales sur l'année en cours.

The image features a window display with bold, handwritten text reading 'PAY YOUR TAX NOW HERE!' A vintage car is visible in the reflective glass, along with a partial shadow or silhouette of a person. The background shows a street scene with a building.
The image features a window display with bold, handwritten text reading 'PAY YOUR TAX NOW HERE!' A vintage car is visible in the reflective glass, along with a partial shadow or silhouette of a person. The background shows a street scene with a building.
Pénalités Retard

Informez-vous sur les pénalités liées aux retards de paiement pour éviter des frais supplémentaires.

A street scene featuring a parking area with a payment kiosk and a parked car. The area is bordered by a low fence and there are several trees nearby. A multi-story building with balconies is visible in the background, and overhead utility lines run across the scene.
A street scene featuring a parking area with a payment kiosk and a parked car. The area is bordered by a low fence and there are several trees nearby. A multi-story building with balconies is visible in the background, and overhead utility lines run across the scene.

À propos de nous

Découvrez nos méthodes de paiement pour la taxe foncière. Échéances varies selon votre situation, consultez nos dates importantes pour 2024.

man in purple suit jacket using laptop computer
man in purple suit jacket using laptop computer

À propos de nous

Nous expliquons les mécanismes de paiement de la taxe foncière, offrant des informations claires sur les modalités et les démarches à suivre.

A parking payment kiosk and signage are partially surrounded by snow in an urban environment. The building backdrop is composed of grey concrete with modern architectural lines. Various signs display information in Japanese, with one indicating parking rates. The scene is illuminated by bright sunlight, casting distinct shadows on the snow-covered ground.
A parking payment kiosk and signage are partially surrounded by snow in an urban environment. The building backdrop is composed of grey concrete with modern architectural lines. Various signs display information in Japanese, with one indicating parking rates. The scene is illuminated by bright sunlight, casting distinct shadows on the snow-covered ground.
A parking pay station with a sign indicating that no cash is accepted. The screen displays a message stating that the pay station is currently not in operation and timed parking is in effect until October 30, 2020. Various buttons and informational markings are visible on the pay station.
A parking pay station with a sign indicating that no cash is accepted. The screen displays a message stating that the pay station is currently not in operation and timed parking is in effect until October 30, 2020. Various buttons and informational markings are visible on the pay station.
The aerial view captures a densely packed urban area with various multi-story buildings. The architecture includes both residential and commercial structures with flat rooftops. Some rooftops have solar panels, and one prominently features an 'e-tax' logo. The scene is dominated by concrete and asphalt but is interspersed with patches of greenery.
The aerial view captures a densely packed urban area with various multi-story buildings. The architecture includes both residential and commercial structures with flat rooftops. Some rooftops have solar panels, and one prominently features an 'e-tax' logo. The scene is dominated by concrete and asphalt but is interspersed with patches of greenery.

Notre mission

Faciliter le règlement de la taxe foncière avec des options adaptées et des conseils pour éviter les pénalités en cas de retard.

A sidewalk scene in an urban area features a parking payment machine in the foreground, a neatly tiled path with tactile paving, and a variety of plants along the edge. Buildings line the left side, with a canopy extending outwards, and above is a cluster of utility cables. A signage pole indicates parking payment. Several parked motorcycles and cars are visible along the street, with a couple of people walking and sitting in the background. The atmosphere is typical of a bustling city street.
A sidewalk scene in an urban area features a parking payment machine in the foreground, a neatly tiled path with tactile paving, and a variety of plants along the edge. Buildings line the left side, with a canopy extending outwards, and above is a cluster of utility cables. A signage pole indicates parking payment. Several parked motorcycles and cars are visible along the street, with a couple of people walking and sitting in the background. The atmosphere is typical of a bustling city street.

Taxe foncière expliquée